14 Signs that a ghost is near

There are many ways by which we can check the presence of something unnatural around us. Ghosts also, like other creatures radiate energy and so, even if they are invisible, they can be felt and detected.

The most popular and scientifically confirmed method is emf (electromotive force) detection. The emf detector is used to detect the electromotive force around us and thus is used to predict the presence of a ghost. The test is carried out by keeping everything constant in the room. Since, no change is been made, the emf of the room should also be constant. But as soon as a ghost enters the room, the emf of the room changes and emf detector shows the presence of something which is radiating energy but is not visible with human eyes.

profi emf meter close

But none carries an emf detector with them all the time. So, we are providing some methods through which you can predict something paranormal around you.


1. Sudden drop in temperature-

It is seen that presence of a ghost results in sudden drop in temperature. The room or the place will start to chill without any external affect.

2. Strange smell-

You will start smelling something. The smell would be concentrated on a single point. Smell type is linked with the type of ghost. Sweet or good smells indicates a good spirit while foul smell like of rotten meat or any other bad smell indicates a bad spirit.

3. Your pets suddenly start acting strange-

Animals senses are more active than humans. It is said that they can feel and see spirits or ghosts around. If present, dogs can start barking pointing some direction.

4. Feeling of someone watching you-

Human brain gets to know if someone is staring. We start to feel uneasy and start looking around searching for the person who is staring at us. You are alone in a room but still you will start to feel that someone is continuously staring you.

5. You feel touched-

You can feel as if someone passed by touching you, or whispering something in your ears.

6. A cold spot in a room-

Not those which are usually present anywhere near a window, door or other opening. The cold spot is concentrated and usually has warm air around it. It’s possible when they are in this “tight” form of energy, that’s when orbs can be caught on film.

7. Goosebumps-

Small hairs on your neck, spine and hands will start to rise.

8. Sometimes, knocking on door or window-

You can hear knocking on your door and windows also. Sometimes, there can be several knocks.

9. Weak body-

Suddenly, you will start to feel weakness.

10. Shadows-

They are unexplained shadows. Sometimes shadow is seen at the corner of the eye.

11. Mood swing-

There will be sudden change in mood. It can be possible that you are reading funny jokes and suddenly you start feeling to cry. You will feel sudden sadness.

12. Unexplained noises-

Like someone is crying, or any sort of sound that is coming from a place where there is no one.


13. Items getting disappeared-

Items that you regularly use will disappear and after some days will reappear at their respective place. (Make sure it isn’t the work of your mum)


14. Uneasiness-

You won’t feel comfortable at that place. Obviously you don’t know why but it’s your sixth sense that is sensing something harmful near you and is warning you to leave that place.


Everything in this universe occurs because of some reason. So, when something happens without a reason, it should not be ignored as it also has a reason. We are just unaware of it but anyway, creatures like gods or ghosts still fall under pseudo science so it’s upto you to believe them.